
Built Creator Studio, a Solana 1st party application in a high-paced startup environment on top of various Metaplex protocols in the rapidly evolving Crypto sector. Creator Studio is a no-code solution for NFT creators to remove most of the friction of dropping art or an NFT collection on the Solana blockchain, namely hiring a developer.
Coded the app using a React/Typescript/AWS/Amplify stack and Chakra UI for base components and styling
Adhered to React best practices to ensure and improve client-side performance and rendering
Collaborated with UX Designers to ensure the implementation matches UX designs and expectations
Designed and created GraphQL APIs through AWS Amplify for web2 database CRUD operations
Utilized the Metaplex SDK for web3 interactions including NFT & Candy Machine creation, Candy Guards (freeze/thaw, etc), minting, and NFT data delegation (art reveal)
Improved web3 UX through the use of a derived signer and combining transactions where possible
Responsible for the Airdrop creation flow and Edition mint page creation in Creator Studio, amongst other projects

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